Purpose Is My Passion
Hi, I’m Hannah Waen, ACC
Purpose is my passion! That's why I’m called to coach clients on their journeys to deeper fulfillment and meaning in life. For me, purpose is about strengthening your internal GPS—building awareness around your values, strengths, and what truly brings you joy. It’s about finding those moments of enlightenment that draw you closer to understanding why you’re here. Discovering your purpose is the ultimate gift you can give yourself. I know this because I spent years feeling adrift, without a clear mission or cause, but always sensing I was meant for more.
Through years of soul searching, showing up for myself, and sharing my ideas with others, I unlocked what I had always known deep down: my purpose is to help you find yours.
I call this process simplexity—the simplest, most profound realizations often come after years of struggle and discomfort. While self-reflection can be challenging, every day you show up for yourself is a step closer to your true greatness.
It’s an honor to help you discover your purpose in your business, career, or personal life. Finding your purpose is one of the most human things you can do and is a radical act of self-expression. Let me help you weave a path to insight and clarity while polishing your personal brand in all its mightiness.
Why I’m Uniquely Qualified to Help You In Your Lead-HERD-ship Journey
Finding your leadership style is a journey of self-discovery, but integrating it into your life, career, and relationships requires strategy and finesse. To truly embody your purpose and bring it to life as a visionary, leader, or entrepreneur, you need the guidance of a personal branding expert.
When you coach with me, you gain access to a unique blend of expertise in coaching, leadership development, business strategy, marketing, communications, graphic design, and strategic branding. I’ll help you identify what matters most and develop a strategy to align your actions with your goals, bringing you closer to the person you aspire to become.
Who you are is yours to define, and I’m here to help you present yourself authentically, professionally, and boldly so you can shine in every aspect of your life.
My Coaching Qualifications
Life long learner.
Executive and Professional Coaching Certificate, University of Texas Dallas
ICF Member and ACC Certified Coach
Marketing Director for ICF High Country Chapter
Coaching Fundamentals, Co-Active Training Institute
BetterUp® Coach Development Certificate of Completion, Coaching Foundations
BetterUp® Certified Coach
Mount Holyoke College, B.A.
Fun stuff.
Top Character Strengths - Creativity, Fairness, Leadership, Honesty, Curiosity
Myers Briggs Type
“The Defender” (ISFJ-T)
Role: Sentinel
Strategy: Constant Improvement
Passions - 🐴🐕🧘♀️🌲🎨📚🕯🏛
Reno-Tahoe, Nevada-based.
Why I Coach
I took the big leap in 2020 as an early participant in The Great Resignation to transform my life and dedicate my time to creativity, greater meaning in work, and aligning my life with my values. This calling to find my purpose meant leaving my corporate work behind to enroll in an executive coach training program at the University of Texas, Dallas, moving to a new state, and finally, after several years, going full-time in my side hustle.
I had dabbled in consulting and supported small businesses with their strategic and graphic branding, but I wanted to help ignite a more profound transformation. While learning coaching methods and reading The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck, a light bulb went off; my role was not to tell people how to run their businesses or live their lives but to empower them to establish their own rules of engagement, to help them take ownership of their lives. It was to help them unlearn rules and restrictions and discover their internal compass, what Marth Beck calls “finding your integrity”. Along this journey, I dug deep to refine my approach, further my growth, and coach as many people as possible to expand my expertise while learning from each client.
Over nearly a decade of asking myself, “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose?” I am thrilled to be able to aid those who are soul-searching to clarify their path and transform their lives from just getting by to fully thriving and accepting who they are meant to be.
Why Horses?
Horses have always been my spiritual and emotional guides. They remind me of my inner strength, what is most important, and why I am called to help others. For centuries, humans have shared a bond with these magnificent creatures, one that only now science is starting to explain. My dream as a certified equine-assisted educator is to combine my coaching work with my love for horses and share the magic of the herd with clients. Living authentically with my horse woman identity, I hope to inspire others to do the same.
My first equine coach, Spectacle (also known as Red), was my childhood Appendix Quarter Horse.