10 Ways to Boost Creativity
Tim Mossholder @timmossholder
Are you feeling unmotivated or in a creative rut? Too quickly, creativity can go dormant; however, don’t give up hope! It is there waiting to be awoken. We are all creative, and creativity is a muscle that strengthens as you work it. Use these tips to evoke and amp up your creative energy.
Embrace Your Inner Child
How can you be more playful, irrational, and emotional in a constructive way? Creativity is found in your child's ego state, so look to tap into this power. Channel this youthful energy.
Create Before You Consume
After scrolling through Instagram for hours, do you feel more energized and inspired or less motivated and constructive? Be aware of the effects of technology and content created by others when you are trying to create your work. Consume less and create first.
Environment Matters
The spaces in which you inhabit directly affect your mood and can influence your energy. Pay attention to where you feel more expansive, receptive, and relaxed. What can you remove, bring in, or rearrange to create a more physical and metaphorical space for creativity? How do natural light, the colors on your walls, and your furnishings change how you feel? Pay attention to the details!
Find Community
Creativity can be self-motivated; however, it tends to flourish in the community of others, in the context of the greater population, and in response to something. Find a friend, join an online network, or an in-person class to spark these connections. You will be surprised by what naturally arises when you pay attention to the impulses and signals your body tells you. Looking for a community? Check out Womxn Create!
Get Lost in a Story
Try to use your auditory and reading skills more to allow your imagination to fill in the gaps. Listen to a good audiobook, or pick up a fiction novel. We all love a good TV drama but give up something when the visuals are scripted for us. By using your imagination, do you feel more naturally creative?
Reduce Stress & Calm Fear
If you are stressed or fearful, you can't easily be creative. You can't be open and resourceful when you are concerned with what might happen or what tasks are still waiting for your attention. Clear your mind and clear your plate before you settle in for a creative work session. A meditation session or yoga could be a great pre-creative activity to help center and ground your work.
Set the Scene
Music, candles, aromatherapy, wine? You pick whatever helps you relax, settle in, and feel more expressive. A creative ritual is a great way to set the scene for more vibrant work.
Move Your Body
Once you set the scene with some uplifting music, get up and move your body for a few minutes. Stretch, dance, jog, whatever you like. Moving your body helps to boost energy, creates happy hormones (dopamine), and allows you to shake off stress. While creating, take breaks to move, walk while you think, or do ten jumping jacks. Connect your mind, body, and soul through movement to strengthen your creativity.
Sleep More, Create Often
Rest is an important part of creation. You can't produce your most inspired work without proper recovery. You also need to build a regular practice of creativity. Plan a few hours a week just for play, experimentation, and exploration. Whatever outlet you choose, it doesn't matter. What matters is you intentionally use your creative muscle, so it becomes natural and part of who you are and how you live your life.
Hire a Coach!
Experiencing a creative block? Feeling uninspired? Have a specific project you are working on and want to give it your best? Hiring a coach might be the extra boost you need to kick your creativity into high gear. For some, creativity comes naturally and is easily identified in your work; for others, it takes more dedication and attention to go to that place of feeling comfortable in the unknown. Expressing yourself outwardly can be scary or intimidating. A coach can help you identify and work through some of these limiting beliefs that have held you back. Coaching is an inspiring process full of discovery and new perspectives!